The Grasp of Time

by Nathalie Revin Roth

9/4/20231 min read

In the grasp of time, there's no Victory like this one.

Savour it, as the battle is not over. Another wrinkle shading the darkness for more light to come and pierce the veil almost all gone now.

Stay vigilant and alert as the enemy doesn't settle down.

Stay focused on the bigger picture, always. Lies can no longer deceive your souls but not everyone has crossed that bridge.

As you fight for your freedom, you do not leave behind the wounded ones. Escape is already in place but all is not safe or clear.

You fight for your awakening, but you fight for all the innocent ones too. Your journey may be yours, but it is intricately connected to others as you are all on this path of recovery.

Do not let it shatter!

Embrace this victory, let it empower you, but keep moving as tomorrow is different, not written yet.

Stay focused on the horizon, on the beyond, as life prevails everywhere.

Do not forget that you are part of the Universe, as we all are. You matter as much as every other being in existence.

Enjoy this day. Tomorrow will bring another fate to face. Love yourself and others; that's the answer.

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