Enter the Giveaway to get a Chance to Win a
Four-Day Free Discovery Session - Stretching Your Imagination
Valued to 800$
For a Four-Day Free Discovery Session - Stretch Your Imagination
Rules of this Giveaway:
Complete the form below by filling in all the sections, then click the "Giveaway" button to send it and officially enter the contest. // The present Giveaway will last from June, 23-25th 2023, ending at 11:59 pm CT Cancun time. // One can only participate once for the Four-Day Free Discovery Session - Stretching Your Imagination, accepting to give everyone else the same fair chance to win. // The winner will be contacted by email on June 27th. // The Free Four-Day Discovery Session - Stretch Your Imagination - will take place in July; the determined "week of learning and collaboration" will be set with the winner on June 27th // By entering this contest, each participant accepts to be ready to free at least 3hrs for each of the four consecutive days that the Four-Day Free Discovery Session - Stretching Your Imagination - lasts, out of their schedule. // Each participant understands and acknowledges that the Four-Day Free Discovery Session - Stretch Your Imagination - represents a quick taste and trial of the entire program, which is offered over two months; therefore, the results obtained throughout the Four-day Free Discovery Session - Stretching Your Imagination - can only be measured by the commitment of the participant and the shorter period. // Each participant understands and acknowledges that results will keep skyrocketing if the method is applied with dedication and consistency after the Four-Day Free Discovery Session - Stretching Your Imagination - and therefore not linked to the technique or the expert. // By clicking on the "Giveaway" button each participant acknowledges and understands fully the rules of the contest.